Here is the website.
I will bring in all the printed stuff to the next class.
This a poster based on the idea of "Take Back the Streets" it's kind of an insider reference to taking back street spots for bike riders. I really like this poster but never actually finished it because it was incredibly time consuming and had to move onto other things. Lots of parts are unresolved and some have place holders. The finished poster will be screenprinted in different color on a cream paper.

NYTM Cover for an article on War Photographers:

This is a campaign I did for a Bike Sharing Program in Manhattan. I developed a mark made up of interlocking bike chains to symbolize the unity and sharing aspect of the program:

Some posters:

Print advert for NYTM:

This is a poster I did at work which im really into. Its a two color print, black and metallic gold with the black overprinting on the gold. I will post up more stuff from work I like on Thursday when I can get the photos off my work computer.

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