Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Drew Something.......

So I was looking for more typefaces and decided I wanted to try an ultra heavy face. I want to use the heavy face because it will allow me to play with the overprinting. But I couldn't really find anything I liked, one thing led to another and I made this typeface. It's only uppercase and no numbers yet unless I need them. I know this isn't anything original or amazing but I figured drawing it myself would make it a little special.

i made two versions



I put them into my hierarchy study. I think this second one looks best. Overall I think it all works well together....? But maybe not, and suggestions on some other possible faces that will work with what I have drawn?

I wanted to call the book "MADE IN" two possible covers:


bfarevaag said...

I think this looks great.

Suits your piece better then light weights that you have been working with.

Dara Yoon said...

great great great!!!

............................ said...


it may be a simple font, but doesn't appear so.


you're on your way...

and having fun too.

good for you.


nemek4130 said...

ill try to do some spreads with this before class

i just noticed both versions of the y are same

Dara Yoon said...

one more thing.. i think its great that you drew your own type but make sure it goes with the story. The typography doesn't necessarily feel like China. I know you dont want it to be some cliche asian looking font but i think it should be thinner and a little less playful, especially those chunky serifs. rock on.

nemek4130 said...

i wasnt really trying to make the book feel chinese, im mostly just giving dry stastical information but trying to make it more interesting