Not sure on this.
I really like the sans serif for the design on the front of the packaging.
But I like Bodoni for the the rest of the copy (side panels and ingredients on the bottom).
Not sure if its a good mix if the company name appears in two different typefaces.
I am favoring the Bodoni since it is an Italian company and Bodoni is considered the typeface of Italy, or so i've heard.
The more I look at it I think I like the first type option, with the combo of Interstate and Bodoni.
I do really like the Archer for the "percent cacao" its unexpected but personally I feel like it works.
And I fixed the sciprt for the "PC" logo to clear it up a bit.
I'm really struggling to get this right.
Also I have been working on my typefaces but dont want to put it all till its all finished...... soon
Please any comments/help !
i would say deffinetly the bodoni over the sans serif for all situations here. and i thought that the swash off of the P that went through the C was cooler that the one sitting under it but if its fucking with the variations of the logos then i wouldnt know. but to me the one sitting under the see seems a little akward for its flow and consitancy from the P. the whole package is ill tho. if you got some time hit up my stuff when i post some more mostly no one in my class has anything helpful to say. mostly nothing at all.
I ended up using the Bodoni, and I agree about the swash— wish you posted earlier 'cos its to late to change anything now
agree (to my surprise) that the bodoni is working better then the sans serifs.
good work.
why is it too late to change?
it's never too late!
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