Not sure on this.
I really like the sans serif for the design on the front of the packaging.
But I like Bodoni for the the rest of the copy (side panels and ingredients on the bottom).
Not sure if its a good mix if the company name appears in two different typefaces.
I am favoring the Bodoni since it is an Italian company and Bodoni is considered the typeface of Italy, or so i've heard.
The more I look at it I think I like the first type option, with the combo of Interstate and Bodoni.
I do really like the Archer for the "percent cacao" its unexpected but personally I feel like it works.
And I fixed the sciprt for the "PC" logo to clear it up a bit.
I'm really struggling to get this right.
Also I have been working on my typefaces but dont want to put it all till its all finished...... soon
Please any comments/help !