about 2 years ago when i worked at apple i got a wacom tablet on sale for $30 but never really used. i started playing with it this weekend and thought this looked really beautiful .
so I changed the copy on this poster, i think it sounds much better. i am going to screen print these next weekend at my friends house, i am making them as big as i can afford, 22"x33".
These are the first one i did which are in a different color palette (the one i work in a lot). I thought i would switch it up and go in the total opposite direction. My thinking was that i want these to look screen printed or letter press, so by using only process CMYK it might be more convincing.
So I have a few different versions of this poster. When I get the chance I am going to create a poster to accompany this one titled "THE FUTURA LOOKS OBLIQUE".
heres is a poster i did today, it took forever to do the technical drawing of the part, and even longer to set the type, these are 17"x27" and should be back from the printer in about 2 weeks
This is packaging i did for socks which i also designed, im really happy with the way the word mark is cropped on the front and runs on to the back